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Collecting Cheese

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
0 Starting title. Little Mouse Souris Grise Ratinho Маленький мышонок Ratoncito Minik Fare
5 Gather 5 cheese. Greedy Mouse Souris Gourmande Rato Ambicioso Алчный мышонок Ratón Glotón Açgözlü Fare
6 Gather 20 cheese. Here ! Cheese ! Là ! Fromage ! Olha! Queijo! Сюда! Сыыыыр! ¡Aquí!¡Queso! Peynir Buldum !
7 Gather 100 cheese. Yeeeeah Cheese ^^ Owi Fromage ^^ Obaaaaa Queijo ^^ Оооооо Сыыыр ^^ Síiiiiii Queso ^^ Eveeeet Peynir ^^
8 Gather 200 cheese. Cheeeeeese *-* Fromaaaage *-* Queeeeeijo *-* Сыыыыыыыр *-* Queeeeeeso *-* Peynirrrrrr *-*
35 Gather 300 cheese. Activist Mouse Souris Militante Rato Militante Активная мышь Ratón Activista Eylemci Fare
36 Gather 400 cheese. Unionized Mouse Souris Syndiquée Rato Sindicalista Сплочённая мышь Ratón Sindicalizado Sendikalı Fare
37 Gather 500 cheese. Mouse on Strike Souris en Grève Rato em Greve Мышь в ударе Ratón en Huelga Fare Grevde
26 Gather 600 cheese. Glutton Mouse Souris Gloutonne Rato Guloso Прожорливая мышь Ratón Tragón Obur Fare
27 Gather 700 cheese. Gleany Grapilleuse Apanhador de Queijos Подбирающий Recolector Öğütücü
28 Gather 800 cheese. Plumpy Mouse Souris Dodue Rato Fofinho Пухленький Ratón Gordito Şişko Fare
29 Gather 900 cheese. Paunchy Mouse Souris Ventrue Sr. Barriga Пузач Ratón Barrigón Göbekli Fare
30 Gather 1,000 cheese. Chubby Mouse Souris Joufflue Gorducho Полненький Ratón Regordete Tombik Fare
31 Gather 1,100 cheese. Fluffy Mouse Bouboule Rato Peludinho Пушистик Ratón Esponjado Pofuduk Fare
32 Gather 1,200 cheese. Tubby Mouse Patapouffe Rato Obeso Упитанный Ratón Gordinflón Bodur Fare
33 Gather 1,300 cheese. The Chubby La Rondouillarde O Fofão Толстячок El Regordete Tombiş
34 Gather 1,400 cheese. The Puffy La Boursoufflée O Sedentário Опухший Tubby Mouse Puf
38 Gather 1,500 cheese. The Cheese Initiated Initiée du Fromage O Recruta do Queijo Сырнопосвящённый Iniciado en el Queso Peynir Talebesi
39 Gather 1,600 cheese. The Cheese Adept Adepte du Fromage O Adepto em Queijo Знаток сыра Adepto del Queso Peynir Üstadı
40 Gather 1,700 cheese. The Cheese Priest Prêtresse du Fromage O Guardião do Queijo Священник сыра Sacerdote del Queso Peynir Rahibi
41 Gather 1,800 cheese. The Reaper La Moissonneuse Mestre do Queijo Пожинатель El Segador Biçerdöver
72 Gather 2,000 cheese. Cheese Finder Chercheuse De Fromage Rato Sherlock Ищущий сыра Encuentraquesos Peynir Kaşifi
73 Gather 2,300 cheese. Cheese Knight Chevalier Fromage Cavaleiro do Queijo Рыцарь сыра Caballero del Queso Peynir Şövalyesi
74 Gather 2,700 cheese. Cheesegrubber Cheesegrubber Cheesegrubber Cheesegrubber Tomaquesos Peynir Kurdu
75 Gather 3,200 cheese. Fatty Grassouillette Seboso Жирненький Gordito Dobiş
76 Gather 3,800 cheese. Stout Mouse Souris Robuste Rato Robusto Надёжная мышь Ratón Fuerte Tıknaz Fare
77 Gather 4,600 cheese. Cheese Lover Amoureuse Du Fromage Amante de Queijo Любитель сыра Amante del Queso Peynir Sever
78 Gather 6,000 cheese. Camembert Camembert Camembert Camembert Camembert Camembert
79 Gather 7,000 cheese. Pont-L'Évêque Pont-L'Évêque Pont-L'Évêque Pont-L'Évêque Pont-L'Évêque Pont-L'Évêque
80 Gather 8,000 cheese. Cheese Catcher L'Attrape Fromage Pega-Queijo Собиратель сыра Coleccionista Koleksiyoncu
81 Gather 9,001 cheese. It's Over 9000 It's Over 9000 It's Over 9000 It's Over 9000 It's Over 9000 It's Over 9000
82 Gather 10,000 cheese. Collector Collectionneuse Colecionador Коллекционер Collector Collector
83 Gather 14,000 cheese. Cheeseleader Cheeseleader Cheeseleader Cheeseleader Cheeseleader Cheeseleader
84 Gather 18,000 cheese. Cheese Thief Voleuse De Fromage Ladrão de Queijos Сырный воришка Ladrón de Queso Peynir Hırsızı
85 Gather 22,000 cheese. Cheese Creator Fromagère Criador do Queijo Создатель сыра Creador de Queso Peynir Yaratıcısı
86 Gather 26,000 cheese. Cheese Pizza Pizza Fromage Pizza de Queijo Сырная пицца Pizza de Queso Peynirli Pizza
87 Gather 30,000 cheese. Cheese Minister Ministre Du Fromage Ministro do Queijo Министр сыра Ministro del Queso Peynir Bakanı
88 Gather 34,000 cheese. Prodigy Mouse Souris Prodigieuse Rato Prodígio Чудесная мышь Ratón Prodigioso Olağanüstü Fare
89 Gather 38,000 cheese. Princess Of Transformice Princesse De Transformice Princesa do Transformice Принцесса Transformice Princesa de Transformice Transformice Prensesi
90 Gather 42,000 cheese. Cheesoholic Fromalcoolique Queijólatra Сыроголик Quesohólico Peynirkolik
91 Gather 46,000 cheese. The Cheesen One The Cheesen One The Cheesen One The Cheesen One The Cheesen One The Cheesen One
92 Gather 50,000 cheese. Sailor Mouse Sailor Mouse Sailor Mouse Сейлор Мышь Sailor Mouse Sailor Mouse
234 Gather 55,000 cheese. Om Nom Nom Om Nom Nom Om Nom Nom Om Nom Nom Om Nom Nom Om Nom Nom
235 Gather 60,000 cheese. *-* *-* *-* *-* *-* *-*
236 Gather 65,000 cheese. Cheese Addict Accro au Fromage Viciado em Queijo Подсевший на сыр Adicto al Queso Peynir Bağımlısı
237 Gather 70,000 cheese. Cheesus Cheesus Cheesus Cheesus Cheesus Cheesus
238 Gather 75,000 cheese. Queen of Cheese Reine du Fromage Rainha do Queijo Королева сыра Reina del Queso Peynir Kraliçesi

Gathering Cheese First

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
9 Gather 1 cheese first total. Fast Mouse Souris Rapide Rato Veloz Быстрая Мышь Ratón Veloz Hızlı Fare
10 Gather 10 cheese first total. Agile Mouse Souris Agile Ligeirinho Ловкая Мышь Ratón Ágil Atik Fare
11 Gather 100 cheese first total. Pirate Mouse Souris Pirate Rato Pirata Мышь-пират Ratón Pirata Korsan Fare
12 Gather 200 cheese first total. Ninja Mouse Souris Ninja Rato Ninja Мышь-нинзя Ratón Ninja Ninja Fare
42 Gather 300 cheese first total. Rogue Mouse Souris Fripponne Rato Fanfarrão Мышь-разбойник Ratón Renegado Serseri Fare
43 Gather 400 cheese first total. Looter Pilleuse Ladrão Грабитель Saqueador Yağmacı
44 Gather 500 cheese first total. Stalker Traqueuse Perseguidor Искатель Acosador Takipçi
45 Gather 600 cheese first total. Frothy Mouse Ecumeuse Rato Fútil Пенная Мышь Ratón Rabioso Köpüklü Fare
46 Gather 700 cheese first total. The Silent La Silencieuse O Silencioso Бесшумный El Silencioso Suskun
47 Gather 800 cheese first total. Hawk Mouse Souris Faucon Rato Falcão Мышь-орёл Ratón Halcón Şahin Fare
48 Gather 900 cheese first total. Cobra Mouse Souris Cobra Rato Cobra Мышь-кобра Ratón Cobra Kobra Fare
49 Gather 1,000 cheese first total. Spidermouse Spidersouris Rato-Aranha Мышь Паук Spiderratón Örümcek Fare
50 Gather 1,100 cheese first total. Quick Silver Vif Argent O Mito Пуля Mercurio Quick Silver
51 Gather 1,200 cheese first total. Athletic Mouse Souris Athlétique Rato Atlético Атлетичная Мышь Ratón Atlético Atletik Fare
52 Gather 1,400 cheese first total. Hasty Mouse Souris Hâtive Rato Apressado Поспешная Мышь Ratón Precipitado Aceleci Fare
53 Gather 1,600 cheese first total. Rocket Mouse Le Missile O Míssil Мышь-ракета Ratón Cohete Roket Fare
54 Gather 1,800 cheese first total. Sonic The Mouse Sonic La Souris Sonic The Mouse Соник-Мышь Sonic The Mouse Sonic The Mouse
55 Gather 2,000 cheese first total. Pingless Meilleur Ping Pingless Лучший Пинг Pingless Pingless
56 Gather 2,200 cheese first total. Kamikaze Kamikaze Kamikaze Камикадзе Kamikaze Kamikaze
57 Gather 2,400 cheese first total. Warrior Mouse Souris Guerrière Rato Guerreiro Мышь-воин Ratón Guerrero Savaşçı Fare
58 Gather 2,600 cheese first total. Mach 1 Mach 1 Mach 1 1 Мах Mach 1 Mach 1
59 Gather 2,800 cheese first total. Hunter Chasseresse Caçador Охотник Cazador Avcı
60 Gather 3,000 cheese first total. First! Prem's ! Primeiro! Первый! ¡Primero! Birinci!
61 Gather 3,200 cheese first total. Sniper Sniper Sniper Снайпер Sniper Sniper
62 Gather 3,400 cheese first total. Flash Flash Flash Вспышка Flash Flash
63 Gather 3,600 cheese first total. Supermouse Supermouse Superato Супермышь Supermouse Supermouse
64 Gather 3,800 cheese first total. Light Speed Vitesse Lumière Velocidade da Luz Скорость Света Velocidad Luz Işık Hızı
65 Gather 4,000 cheese first total. Time Traveler Voyageuse Du Temps Viajante do Tempo Путешественник во Времени Viajero del Tiempo Zaman Yolcusu
66 Gather 4,500 cheese first total. Fast Wind Vent Rapide Ventania Быстрый Ветер Vendaval Hızlı Rüzgar
67 Gather 5,000 cheese first total. E=MouseC² E=MouseC² E=MouseC² E=MouseC² E=MouseC² E=MouseC²
68 Gather 5,500 cheese first total. Jumper La Sauteuse Canguru Прыгун Saltarín Tırmanıcı
69 Gather 6,000 cheese first total. The Untouchable L'Intouchable O Intocável Неприкасаемый El Intocable Dokunulmaz
231 Gather 7,000 cheese first total. Dynamite Dynamite Dinamite Динамит Dinamita Dinamit
232 Gather 8,000 cheese first total. Speedmaster Vitesse Suprême Velocidade Máxima Мастер скорости Maestro Veloz Hız Ustası
233 Gather 9,000 cheese first total. Whirlwind Tornade Tornado Вихрь Torbellino Kasırga
70 Gather 10,000 cheese first total. Wall-Jumper Wall-Jumper Wall-Jumper Wall-Jumper Wall-Jumper Wall-Jumper
224 Gather 12,000 cheese first total. Sprinter Sprinter Corredor Спринтер Velocista Koşucu
225 Gather 14,000 cheese first total. Batmouse Chauve Souris Batmouse Летучая Мышь Batmouse Batmouse
226 Gather 16,000 cheese first total. The Unseen L'Invisible Invisível Невидимка Imperseptible Görünmeyen
227 Gather 18,000 cheese first total. Unstoppable L'Instoppable Imparável Неостановимый Imparable Durdurulamaz
202 Gather 20,000 cheese first total. The Wind Master Maîtresse du Vent The Wind Master Мастер Ветра The Wind Master The Wind Master
228 Gather 25,000 cheese first total. ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale!
229 Gather 30,000 cheese first total. Torpedo La Torpille Torpedo Торпеда Torpedo Torpido
230 Gather 35,000 cheese first total. Speedy Gorgonzola Speedy Gorgonzola Speedy Gorgonzola Скоростная Гонгонзола Speedy Gorgonzola Speedy Gorgonzola
  • Note: Firsts only count on rooms with at least 10 mice plus the shamans.

Save Mice as Shaman

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
1 Save 10 mice. Shaman Disciple Disciple Chamane Aprendiz de Shaman Шаман-последователь Aprendiz de Chamán Öğrenci Şaman
2 Save 100 mice. Accomplished Shaman Chamane Accomplie Shaman Graduado Шаман-любитель Chamán Graduado Başarılı Şaman
3 Save 1,000 mice. Shaman Chamane Shaman Шаман Chamán Şaman
4 Save 2,000 mice. Shaman Master Maîtresse Chamane Mestre Shaman Шаман-мастер Maestro Chamán Usta Şaman
13 Save 3,000 mice. Inspired Shaman Chamane Inspiré Shaman Inspirado Вдохновленный шаман Chamán Inspirado İlhamlı Şaman
14 Save 4,000 mice. Shaman Champion Championne Chamane Shaman Campeão Шаман-чемпион Campeón Chamán Şampiyon Şaman
15 Save 5,000 mice. Glorious Shaman Chamane Glorieuse Shaman Glorioso Славный шаман Cháman Glorioso Şanlı Şaman
16 Save 6,000 mice. Shaman Duchess Duchesse Chamane Duquesa Shaman Шаман-герцогиня Chamán Duquesa Düşes Şaman
17 Save 7,000 mice. Shaman Princess Princesse Chamane Princesa Shaman Шаман-принцесса Princesa Chamán Prenses Şaman
18 Save 8,000 mice. Shaman Empress Impératrice Chamane Imperatriz Shaman Шаман-императрица Chamán Emperatriz İmparatoriçe Şaman
19 Save 9,000 mice. Legendary Shaman Chamane Légendaire Shaman Lendário Легендарный шаман Chamán Legendario Efsanevi Şaman
20 Save 10,000 mice. Immortal Shaman Chamane Immortelle Shaman Imortal Бессмертный шаман Chamán Inmortal Ölümsüz Şaman
21 Save 11,000 mice. The Chosen Shaman Chamane Élue O Shaman Escolhido Избранный шаман El Chamán Elegido Seçilmiş Şaman
22 Save 12,000 mice. Holy Shaman Chamane Sacrée Shaman Sagrado Святой шаман Chamán Sagrado Kutsal Şaman
23 Save 13,000 mice. Shaman Oracle Oracle Chamane Shaman Oráculo Шаман-оракул Chamán Oráculo Kâhin Şaman
24 Save 14,000 mice. Shaman Prophet Prophète Chamane Shaman Profeta Шаман-пророк Chamán Profeta Elçi Şaman
25 Save 15,000 mice. Shamarvelous Chamagnifique Shaman Supremo Шамодивительный Chamaravilloso Şamuhteşem
94 Save 16,000 mice. Ancient Shaman Ancienne Chamane Shaman Ancião Древний Шаман Chamán Ancestral Kadim Şaman
95 Save 18,000 mice. Fearless Shaman Chamane Sans Peur Shaman Destemido Бесстрашный Шаман Chamán Valiente Korkusuz Şaman
96 Save 20,000 mice. Almight Shaman Toute-Puissante Chamane Shaman Divino Всемогущий Шаман Chamán Todopoderoso Müthiş Şaman
97 Save 22,000 mice. Architect Shaman Chamane Architecte Shaman Arquiteto Шаман-архитектор Chamán Arquitecto Mimar Şaman
98 Save 24,000 mice. Mademoiselle Mademoiselle Mademoiselle Мадемуазель Mademoiselle Matmazel
99 Save 26,000 mice. Lady Shaman Lady Chamane Madame Shaman Леди Шаман Dama Chamán Leydi Şaman
100 Save 28,000 mice. Loved Aimée Amado Любящий Amado Sevilen
101 Save 30,000 mice. Magician Magicienne Mago Магический Mago Sihirbaz
102 Save 35,000 mice. Hero of Mice Héroïne Des Souris Herói dos Ratos Герой Мышей Héroe de los Ratones Farelerin Kahramanı
103 Save 40,000 mice. Angel Shaman Ange Chamane Shaman Anjo Ангел-шаман Chamán Ángel Melek Şaman
104 Save 45,000 mice. The Creator La Créatrice O Criador Создатель El Creador Yaratıcı
105 Save 50,000 mice. Absolute Shaman Chamane Absolute Shaman Absoluto Абсолютный Шаман Chamán Absoluto Mutlak Şaman
106 Save 55,000 mice. Miraculous Shaman Chamane Miraculeuse Shaman Milagroso Чудотворный Шаман Chamán Milagroso Mucizevi Şaman
107 Save 60,000 mice. Liberator Libératrice Libertador Освободитель Liberador Kurtarıcı
108 Save 65,000 mice. Troll Shaman CDM Shaman Troll Тролль-шаман Chamán Troll Troll Şaman
109 Save 70,000 mice. Ghost Shaman Chamane Fantôme Shaman Fantasma Призрак-шаман Chamán Fantasma Hayalet Şaman
110 Save 75,000 mice. Spirit Esprit Espírito Дух Espíritu Ruh
111 Save 80,000 mice. Demigodess Shaman Demi-Déesse Chamane Shaman Semideusa Полубогиня-шаман Chamán Semidiosa Kahraman Şaman
112 Save 85,000 mice. Last Hope Dernier Espoir Última Esperança Последняя Надежда La Última Esperanza Son Umut
113 Save 90,000 mice. Redeemer Rédemptrice Redentor Спаситель Redentor Mesih
200 Save 100,000 mice. Goddess Shaman Déesse Chamane Deusa Shaman Богиня-шаман Chamán Diosa İlahe Şaman
114 Save 140,000 mice. Alpha & Omega Alpha & Omega Alpha & Omega Alpha & Omega Alpha & Omega Alpha & Omega

Saving Mice in Hard Mode

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
213 Save 500 mice in hard mode. Decorator Décoratrice Decorador Декоратор Decorador Dekoratör
214 Save 2,000 mice in hard mode. Builder Bâtisseuse Construtor Строитель Constructor Müteahhit
215 Save 4,000 mice in hard mode. Manufacturer Fabricante Fabricante Мануфактурщик Fabricante Fabrikatör
216 Save 7,000 mice in hard mode. Technician Technicienne Técnico Технический Técnico Tekniker
217 Save 10,000 mice in hard mode. Mechanic Mécanicienne Mecânico Механик Mecánico Makinist
218 Save 14,000 mice in hard mode. Specialist Spécialiste Especialista Специалист Especialista Uzman
219 Save 18,000 mice in hard mode. Inventor Inventeur Inventor Изобретатель Inventor Mucit
220 Save 22,000 mice in hard mode. Engineer Ingénieur Engenheiro Инженер Engenheiro Mühendis
221 Save 26,000 mice in hard mode. Inventive Mouse L'Inventive Rato Inventor Изобретательная Мышь Ratón Inventor Yaratıcı Fare
222 Save 30,000 mice in hard mode. Ingenious Mouse L'Ingénieuse Rato Engenhoso Оригинальная Мышь Ingenious Mouse Marifetli Fare
223 Save 34,000 mice in hard mode. Virtuoso Virtuose Virtuoso Виртуоз Virtuoso Virtuoso

Bootcamp Completions

Although these titles are currently not integrated nor wearable, they are to be implemented soon. Titles for bootcamp completions are earned in the international room "*bootcamp+".

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
??? Complete 1 Map. Noob Noob Noob Noob Noob Noob
??? Complete 3 different Maps. Rookie Rookie Rookie Rookie Rookie Rookie
??? Complete 5 different Maps. Neophyte Neophyte Neophyte Neophyte Neophyte Neophyte
??? Complete 7 different Maps. Private Private Private Private Private Private
??? Complete 10 different Maps. Deft Mouse Deft Mouse Deft Mouse Deft Mouse Deft Mouse Deft Mouse
??? Complete 15 different Maps. Solo Artist Solo Artist Solo Artist Solo Artist Solo Artist Solo Artist
??? Complete 20 different Maps. Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal
??? Complete 25 different Maps. Accurate Mouse Accurate Mouse Accurate Mouse Accurate Mouse Accurate Mouse Accurate Mouse
??? Complete 30 different Maps. Bootcamper Bootcamper Bootcamper Bootcamper Bootcamper Bootcamper
??? Complete 35 different Maps. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant
??? Complete 40 different Maps. Corner Jumper Corner Jumper Corner Jumper Corner Jumper Corner Jumper Corner Jumper
??? Complete 45 different Maps. Skilled Mouse Skilled Mouse Skilled Mouse Skilled Mouse Skilled Mouse Skilled Mouse
??? Complete 50 different Maps. Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant
??? Complete 55 different Maps. meep meep meep meep meep meep
??? Complete 60 different Maps. Longjumper Longjumper Longjumper Longjumper Longjumper Longjumper
??? Complete 65 different Maps. Incredimouse Incredimouse Incredimouse Incredimouse Incredimouse Incredimouse
??? Complete 70 different Maps. Bootcamp Addict Bootcamp Addict Bootcamp Addict Bootcamp Addict Bootcamp Addict Bootcamp Addict
??? Complete 75 different Maps. Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain
??? Complete 80 different Maps. Wallpusher Wallpusher Wallpusher Wallpusher Wallpusher Wallpusher
??? Complete 85 different Maps. Dexterous Mouse Dexterous Mouse Dexterous Mouse Dexterous Mouse Dexterous Mouse Dexterous Mouse
??? Complete 90 different Maps. Maniac Maniac Maniac Maniac Maniac Maniac
??? Complete 95 different Maps. Balls to the Wall Balls to the Wall Balls to the Wall Balls to the Wall Balls to the Wall Balls to the Wall
??? Complete 100 different Maps. Major Major Major Major Major Major
??? Complete 120 different Maps. TA Master TA Master TA Master TA Master TA Master TA Master
??? Complete 140 different Maps. Cheese Artist Cheese Artist Cheese Artist Cheese Artist Cheese Artist Cheese Artist
??? Complete 160 different Maps. Acrobat Acrobat Acrobat Acrobat Acrobat Acrobat
??? Complete 180 different Maps. Bootcamp Deity Bootcamp Deity Bootcamp Deity Bootcamp Deity Bootcamp Deity Bootcamp Deity
??? Complete 200 different Maps. Colonel Colonel Colonel Colonel Colonel Colonel
??? Complete 225 different Maps. . . . . . .
??? Complete 250 different Maps. Tarzan Tarzan Tarzan Tarzan Tarzan Tarzan
??? Complete 275 different Maps. That Map That Map That Map That Map That Map That Map
??? Complete 300 different Maps. General General General General General General
??? Complete 350 different Maps. Buttcamper Buttcamper Buttcamper Buttcamper Buttcamper Buttcamper
??? Complete 400 different Maps. Living Legend Living Legend Living Legend Living Legend Living Legend Living Legend

Buying Accessories

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
115 Buy 1 accessory in the Shop. Nice Mouse Jolie Souris Rato Descolado Отличная мышь Ratón Bonito Hoş Fare
116 Buy 2 accessories in the Shop. Adorable Mouse Souris Adorable Rato Adorável Восхитительная Мышь Ratón Adorable Sevimli Fare
117 Buy 4 accessories in the Shop. Charming Mouse Souris Charmante Rato Charmoso Очаровательная Мышь Ratón Encantador Çekici Fare
118 Buy 6 accessories in the Shop. Pretty Mouse Souris Coquette Rato Atraente Хорошенькая Мышь Ratón Precioso Güzel Fare
119 Buy 8 accessories in the Shop. Cute Mouse Souris Mignonne Rato Bonitinho Милая Мышь Ratón Tierno Tatlı Fare
120 Buy 10 accessories in the Shop. Frivolous Mouse Souris Frivole Rato Galã Фривольная Мышь Ratón Frívolo Fingirdek Fare
121 Buy 12 accessories in the Shop. Snob Mouse Souris Snob Rato Esnobe Мышь-сноб Ratón Presumido Züppe Fare
122 Buy 14 accessories in the Shop. Stylish Mouse Souris à la Mode Rato Estiloso Стильная мышь Ratón con Estilo Havalı Fare
123 Buy 16 accessories in the Shop. Actress Mouse Souris Actrice Diva Мышь-актер Ratona Actriz Artist Fare
124 Buy 18 accessories in the Shop. Fashion Mouse Souris Fashion Rato Fashion Модная Мышь Ratón a la Moda Modacı Fare
125 Buy 20 accessories in the Shop. Sexy Sexy Sexy Секси Sexy Sexy
126 Buy 22 accessories in the Shop. SuperStar SuperStar SuperStar СуперЗвезда SuperStar SuperStar

Being a Staff Member

# Achievement Title
440 Only administrators can achieve this. Fromadmin
444 Only administrators can achieve this. La Belette


# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
127 Earn a heart at Christmas 2011. Little Snowflake Petit Flocon Floquinho de Neve Маленькая Снежинка Copito de Nieve Minik Kar Tanesi
128 Earn 5 hearts at Christmas 2011. Christmas Spirit Esprit de Noël Espírito Natalino Рождественский дух Espíritu Navideño Noel Ruhu
129 Earn 15 hearts at Christmas 2011. Little Pixie Petit Lutin Duende Мелкая Пикси Duendecillo Küçük Peri
130 Earn 30 hearts at Christmas 2011. Santa Claus Papa Noël Papai Noel Санта Клаус Papá Noel Noel Baba
240 Earn 45 hearts at Christmas 2011. Cookies Cookies Biscoitos Печенье Galletas Kurabiyeler
241 Earn 60 hearts at Christmas 2011. Christmas Cake Gâteau de Noël Bolo de Natal Рождественский торт Pastel navideño Noel Keki
242 Earn 85 hearts at Christmas 2011. Whitebeard Barbe Blanche Barba Branca Whitebeard Barbablanca Aksakal
243 Earn 100 hearts at Christmas 2011. Generous Généreuse Generoso Щедрый Generoso Cömert
244 Earn 120 hearts at Christmas 2011. Snowy L'Enneigé Snowy Снежный Snowy Kar Beyası
245 Earn 200 hearts at Christmas 2011. Snowstorm Tempête de Neige Nevasca Метель Tormenta de nieve Kar Fırtınası
  • Note: These titles were an addition to the game for Christmas 2011.
  • Note: You need to receive a kiss under the mistletoe to get the hearts.

Valentine's Day

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
210 Give 1 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012. Alluring Mouse Aguicheuse Rato Sedutor Очаровательная мышь Ratón Seductor Alımlı Fare
211 Give 5 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012. Temptress Tentatrice Rata Atraente Соблазнительница Tentadora Baştan Çıkaran
212 Give 10 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012. Latin Lover Latin Lover Latin Lover Латинская любовница Latin Lover Latin Lover
249 Give 20 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012. Omelettovore Omelettovore Omelettovore Omelettovore Omelettovore Omelettovore
250 Give 25 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012. My Cutie Pie Mon Petit Sucre My Cutie Pie My Cutie Pie Mi Pastelito Tatlım
251 Give 30 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012. Fiancée Fiancée Fiancée Невеста Fiancée Fiancée
  • Note: These titles were an addition to the game for Valentine's Day 2012.

Cosplay Competition 2011

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
246 Taking part in the competition. Dauphine Dauphine Dauphine Dauphine Dauphine Dauphine
247 Finishing in the top 5. Foxy Foxy Foxy Foxy Foxy Foxy
248 Recieving the most votes. Miss Transformice Miss Transformice Miss Transformice Miss Transformice Miss Transformice Miss Transformice
  • Note: The Cosplay Competition titles are discontinued and only exclusive to those who participated in the competition

Transformice Meetups

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
252 Attend the March 2012 Transformice meetup. Souris Lilloise Souris Lilloise Souris Lilloise Souris Lilloise Souris Lilloise Souris Lilloise

April Fools' Day

# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
253 Complete the 2012 April Fools' day map. Tonnerre de Brest Tonnerre de Brest Tonnerre de Brest Tonnerre de Brest Tonnerre de Brest Tonnerre de Brest


# Achievement Title Titre (French) Título (Portuguese) Титул (Russian) Título (Spanish) Ünvan (Turkish)
254 Gather 270 eggs in the Easter event 2012. Chocovore Chocovore Chocovore Chocovore Chocovore Chocovore
255 Gather 300 eggs in the Easter event 2012. Chocobunny Chocolapin Chocobunny Chocobunny Chocobunny Chocobunny

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